I’m currently working on reproducing a new (to me) antique sampler, stitched by Jane Hattersley in 1832. One of the motifs is a basket of fruit and it inspired this “Give Thanks” chart. I list the colors in DMC and Cosmo brand floss that best match the colors Jane used and I give a third colorway in Cosmo colors that’s a bit more contemporary. But … this is a great “stash buster” chart so feel free to turn to the colors you have on hand … just as Jane would have done!
This chart is not to be sold. Though there is no charge for it, please only share it by directing others here to my blog or by picking up a copy at your local needlework shop.
Download the pdf from this link:

Join me on FlossTube! I now have 11 episodes on my channel with stitch tutorials, thoughts on our shared passion, stories behind the designs, and more. Here’s a link to the latest one: